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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you paid by the Abbott/republicans?

Never Beto is not affiliated with any campaign or political party. Seriously. I don't care who you vote for, as long as it's not this idiot. No, Abbott's campaign didn't put me up to this. No, they don't pay me. No, I've never even talked to them. I'm not paid by anybody except the people that buy this stuff.

Um, so then why are you doing this?

I just really dislike Robert Francis O'Rourke and I don't think he should be anywhere near any kind of power, so I'm selling some stuff that I hope will spread my message of disdain. I saw him grandstand on the graves of children and I thought "someone like him should never have any kind of power." And then I had this idea.

Where does the money for these items go?

To my bank account.

Are you sure you don't work for Abbott?

Yes, I'm sure. I'll vote for Abbott. It's a binary system and a vote for him is a vote against Robert Francis. Abbott also abolished red light cameras, and I feel good about supporting him for that alone. But I'm not trying to convince you to like Abbott. I'm just trying to spread the word that Robert Francis O'Rourke is a grifter and a tool.

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